From the Headmaster - June 2019
Published Friday 21 June 2019 by MM
As we are coming to the end of a very busy few weeks of ‘internal examinations’ for the Lower School and Year 12, and the last GCE A-Levels and GCSEs are taking place, we can perhaps begin to think of the summer ahead. But, as ever, there is much to be done and enjoyed before we break up on 19 July. In particular, please do come to the Summer Concert on Friday 5 July and the annual Sports’ Evening on Thursday 11 July. At the time of writing, I also think there are still tickets available for the Summer Fiesta Ball on Saturday 6 July; you can purchase them here. For those attending our Sports Evening in particular, please be aware of the resurfacing works on Cheltenham Road, Longlevens, due to start on 8 July until 22 July from 19:00 to 07:00 hours. This road closure may affect how parents and staff travel to and from our site. A letter explaining the closure in more detail from Highways Gloucestershire County Council can be found on our website.
Looking back over the term, much has happened, even in recent exam-focused weeks. The major refurbishment of the swimming pool is now complete, and planning permission has just been granted for work to start on the new building to be located by the tennis courts, which will house much needed additional classrooms, and office space. This work is due to be completed by Easter 2020, and I look forward to updating you on progress during the coming months. However, it is highly likely that the building compound will take up a considerable amount of space and therefore parking on site during the school day will be restricted to members of staff. On the subject of parking and driving generally, I would ask parents to be as mindful as possible of our neighbours. I have a constant stream of concerns regarding blocked driveways and the like. There are two sides to every story, but I have promised the Police and local councillors that I would mention this again to parents. Additionally, I would appreciate the support of parents helping to ensure that pupils who cycle to school wear helmets. Results from several studies suggest that they reduce the risks of a serious head injury by nearly 70%.
The creative life of the School continues to be much in evidence at this time of year and I have already had the opportunity to view much of the excellent artwork produced by A-Level students for their examinations. As ever, the standard is incredibly high and is testament to the hard work of students and their teachers. Parents and friends of the School are welcome to attend the official exhibition in The Pavilion on Tuesday 25 June between 5.00 and 6.30 pm.
It has now been over five years since the new grass cricket wicket was created and whilst the inclement weather has undoubtedly affected the cricket season, it is great to see the positive manner in which cricket is being played between the rain showers - the strong team ethos, the competitive spirit, and the enthusiasm is a credit to all involved.
The coming weeks will witness successful Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, enjoyable day trips and residential trips further afield – many of which are now annual events. The Richian is also about to go to print which I hope you will enjoy reading when you get your copies. So, as we approach the end of another academic year, it is clear that the School continues to be in good heart and can plan towards September with a real optimism. I will write again over the summer to outline various ideas for the year ahead. Much work continues over the summer break despite people asking whether I’m winding down! In just over a month’s time, however, the holiday will be here and I wish you all a very relaxing summer with strong results for our GCSE and A-Level students. As ever, I am enormously grateful for your support of the School.

Matthew Morgan,