Uniform Shop and STRS Uniform Policy

The STRS Uniform Policy sets out details on our uniform expectations, and all uniform is sold through the PTFA Uniform Shop, which is run by unpaid PTFA volunteers.

For any queries about the STRS Uniform Policy, please email Assistant Head Peter Daniell on [email protected].

We have produced a useful A4 flyer for parents covering some Uniform Shop basics: Help our Volunteers to Help You!

Online Uniform Shop

Previously Owned Uniform (POU)

Book a Uniform Fitting Appointment

Replacement Lower School Blazers

STRS Uniform Policy

For Year 7 starting in September 2025

Please follow the instructions below to book a uniform fitting. This information is also included in the welcome pack that the school emailed to you on 03/03/25.

We have set aside times after school on Monday 17 March and Wednesday 19 March (16:00 - 19:30) specifically for New Year 7 appointments so your son can try on blazers and other items of uniform.

To book your appointment, please visit: https://str-ptfa-uniform-shop.reservio.com

  1. Click on BOOK alongside “New Year 7 uniform fittings” (our green service)
  2. Select “Anyone Available” under Choose a staff member
  3. Please only book an appointment on the hour or half hour (:00 or :30)
  4. Please make the booking in your son’s name, rather than your own

Please don't book any other services on any other days as the length of appointment assigned won't be long enough. If there's no way you can attend on either of these dates, please email our volunteer uniform shop team on [email protected] so we can try and make alternative arrangements.

You may wish to visit our Online shop prior to your appointment to get an idea of what is available. Please DO NOT order online at this stage as we need to keep your whole order together. You can find the online shop at https://www.strspa.co.uk.

The Uniform Shop is located in B7 and stocks previously owned uniform (POU) as well as new uniform. Donations of POU uniform are always welcome and may be left in our large plastic box located in School Reception, by the sofas. Students can collect orders from B7 on:

  • Mondays before school (08:00-08:55)
  • Wednesdays at breaktime (11:05-11:25), lunchtime (12:25-13:15) and after school (15:20-17:00)
  • Friday before school (08:00 - 08:55)

Weekday fittings are by prior appointment only on Wednesday lunchtimes (13:30-14:15) and after school (15:30-17:00).

We also aim to open on at least one Saturday per month for order collection, fittings and general browsing and purchasing of both new stock and POU. Please check the latest dates and times on the Online Uniform Shop by clicking the icon below and CHECK AGAIN BEFORE TRAVELLING as these openings are subject to change at short notice.

Parents of students in receipt of Pupil Premium are entitled to a financial contribution towards their school uniform. Details are supplied on joining the school, or contact the Pupil Premium Lead Miss Ellen Holt for further information on [email protected].