From the Headmaster - September 2020
Published Monday 24 August 2020 by MM
I do hope that this email finds you well and you have enjoyed the summer break and some of the fine weather we have had. We are very much looking forward to welcoming students back in to school at the end of next week for the start of the new term; staff have been working hard over the summer break to prepare for reopening, putting in place a raft of measures to ensure the safety of every member of our school community. Please read our attached Welcome Back Guide with your child before terms starts to find out more about our new protocols and procedures.

We would like to congratulate our Year 11 and Year 13 students for the hard work and achievement of the last two years, culminating in the grades they were awarded over the last couple of weeks. We cannot underestimate the effort and application of staff and students in achieving these results. However, this has been an exceptionally difficult time for students, who have not had the chance to prove their knowledge, understanding and skills in examinations. Whether students are staying in our Sixth Form, moving on to other schools, universities, taking a gap year or commencing employment, we wish them all well. I would particularly like to thank the team of staff who have been in school, often working 12 hour days in order to support our students and deal with enquiries.
September plans
At the end of July, I informed parents that we would endeavour to keep you informed as our plans for full reopening evolve. We have now formally reviewed our approach, following the latest guidance issued by the Department for Education. We hope the attached Welcome Back Guide, which covers protocols and key information, will provide answers to the most important questions. Apologies that this is a little later than planned, however, the results situation this year has created an unprecedented amount of work. Addenda to the Curriculum, Learning and Teaching, Assessment, Recording and Report and Behaviour policies should be available on our website by the end of the week.
Risk assessments
We aim to publish our updated risk assessments and risk assessment action planning on our website by Wednesday 26 August.
Pupils’ timetables will be available on Parent Gateway by 1 September.
Contacting Heads of Year and Key Stage
While most students and staff will be generally pleased that we will be back to full time schooling in September, and most parents and students feel positive about the forthcoming autumn term, we know that this ‘full return’ will cause others real anxiety. Heads of Year will be on hand to help with issues. Please do contact them in advance of term starting if you have particular worries:
Year 7 | Mrs Jennifer Robinson: [email protected] |
Year 8 | Mr Zak Hinds: [email protected] |
Year 9 | Mr Nick O’Neil: [email protected] |
Year 10 | Mr David Tilley: [email protected] |
Year 11 | Mr Neil Stewart: [email protected] |
Year 12 | Miss Ellen Jauncey: [email protected] |
Year 13 | Mr Barry O’Neill: [email protected] |
Alternatively, you are welcome to contact the Head of Key Stage:
Head of Key Stage 3: | Rhys Davies [email protected] |
Head of Upper School: | Peter Daniell [email protected] |
Head of Sixth Form: | Matthew Lynch [email protected] |
Nevertheless, school will look and feel very different for everyone. Please be assured that the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and pupils is at the forefront of our planning.
Staggered start dates
A reminder of our staggered return to school start dates:
- Thursday 3 September – Years 7 and 12 only in school
- Friday 4 September – Years 7, 9, 10 and 12 only in school
- Monday 7 September – all pupils in school
I hope the attached Welcome Back Guide is useful to you, and please do contact the relevant Head of Year or Key Stage should you have any further questions. I look forward to seeing students in school next week – given the levels of preparation staff have been in engaged in over the last few weeks, whilst I know next term will be challenging, I know it is important and I am confident it will be rewarding.
- Welcome Back Guide
- COVID-19 Protocols
Twitter: @strsglos
Instagram: @sirthomasrichs

Matthew Morgan,