Summer School Impact

Summer School Impact

Published Wednesday 20 October 2021 by SJV

New Year 7 students were welcomed to Rich’s for four days of fun at this year’s Summer School, which was held 26 August to 2 September. Year 8 students were also welcomed back for a team building day postponed from Year 7. Our focus for Summer School was for the boys to have a positive experience, enabling them to feel a growing sense of confidence about beginning their journey at Rich’s. Throughout the week, our dedicated team of staff provided a range of exciting and challenging activities including orienteering, food technology, a range of sports, art, and well-being activities for almost 300 boys.

We strongly believe this has been a significant factor in the smooth and successful transition we have witnessed. The programme of enrichment activities and support with Maths, English and Science has helped them to make the best possible start.

The Summer School was paid for by the Government’s catch-up funding and details summarising how it was spent can be found below.

The boys were unanimously positive about Summer School and said they felt more confident and familiar with the new environment. Here is just some of the great feedback we received:

“I think Summer School was a good way to introduce how the school works and good way to make friends before starting school. It was a way to learn subjects before school started.” (Zain K, 7S)

“Summer School was really fun in my opinion. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience and I am glad I attended.” (Shayan P, 7S)

“At Summer School we got to cook delicious brownies and got to do an orienteering session. I am really happy I got the chance to go.” (Artur R, 7S)

“The Summer School provided useful insight into what it is like at Sir Thomas Rich’s. We were able to do amazing experiments and familiarise ourselves with our classmates.” (Tom W, 7T)

“My favourite part was making brownies and we got to eat them at the end.” (Oscar G, 7T)

“It was fun, exciting and had interesting lessons and activities, especially on the last team building day. The food was delicious, provided by the school and covered my dietary needs!” (Gabriel I, 7B)

Mr J Payne, Assistant Head of Year 7


Summer School Funding Report

Staff Pay (Teachers/Cleaners/Observators) 13566.55
Lunch for 5 Days 2475.00
External Team Building Company 4000.00
CGP Revision Textbooks 825.00
STRS Drawstring Bags 706.92
Art Equipment and Resources/Clay 527.24
Gift Cards for Prizes 250.00
Sport and Orienteering Equipment 1544.37
Food Technology Ingredients/Equipment 362.55
English Books 1634.96
Maths Equipment 224.95
Science Equipment 259.42
Printing of Booklets and Resources 564.90
Total Amount Spent 26941.86

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Summer School Impact - Image
Summer School Impact - Image
Summer School Impact - Image
Summer School Impact - Image
Summer School Impact - Image