World Book Day - March 3 2016 - LRC Events

World Book Day - March 3 2016 - LRC Events

Published Friday 26 February 2016 by cac

World Book Day is on Thursday March 3. Here's what's happening at STRS:

£1 Book Tokens will be given to students in years 7 to 10.
Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover - mystery loans - borrow a book based just on the blurb.
Design and build a Lego model of your favourite book/characters. These will be displayed in the LRC. There will be PRIZES!
There are various national competitions taking place too: design a book token, write a review, join a book judging panel, invent a secret alias... and more. Entry forms will be available next Thursday onwards.
Join famous authors online for the biggest book party ever. Register at to join in.
The Gloucestershire Secondary Schools' Book Award nominations are on display in the LRC. Please call in and borrow one, so that you can vote for Gloucestershire's favourite book! Follow the Award on Twitter: @BAGSS

Please see the World Book Day noticeboard in the LRC for details.